
2008-07-06 (Lindau Post Visit Day 2)

Green light, bicycle move please…

After the longer than expected discussion about the Lindau report, it was the first time for me to walk in one of the old city in Europe. (Geneva, if you did not read my previous post.) The buildings here are well preserved and it was like a modern city in a traditional outlook. I do not have much to write for this day, “a picture speaks a thousand words”, enjoy!

(Side note: I do not know whether the Swiss watches here are cheaper, to me everything looks expensive.)

I supposed to visit all these in a day?!

Locked public toilet with special instruction.

I always wanted to see trams in the city.

 This old town is totally different than PJ old town.

How tiny I was. 

First time in a cathedral, and it is Saint Peter’s. 

Now, do you believe Bata is from Europe?

 Anyone want to buy a house? CHF 550,000 only.

This way to Euro2008 match, wait, I came too late?!

 Take bus to France.

I have eleven pictures posted here, in other words, I have written at least ten thousand words. Yes, what a good way to be lazy.

