
2008-07-08 (Lindau Post Visit Day 4)

After three days in Geneva, we were again in another transit flight. This time we were going back to Germany, specifically Münster. This time we went to a more application based company, CenTech GmbH Center for Nanotechnology.

To Münster!

We reached the destination earlier and headed to find lunch first. Guess what, we had our lunch in the restaurant that served bread-wrapped Kebab too. I ordered a rather long sausage with some fries, no more Kebab for me. Dr. Wolfgang Buscher, the Chief Scientific Officer of CeNTech, was the one that welcomed us to CeNTech. He mentioned that he was not expecting that Malaysian would come to CeNTech and should do the best to accommodate our needs. (Wow, we were like the royal guest to CeNTech!). Before we were given a laboratory tour inside CeNTech, we were presented the CeNTech aims and structures. We had nice cookies, nice teas/coffees, and nice sugars (spade, heart, or diamond-shaped.)

We were warmly welcomed!

After the presentation, Dr. Wolfgang Buscher brought us around the CeNTech . The first thing that came to our attention is the divider with a sine wave (pardon my scientific background). Beyond that line, the building is separated from the rest and was not affected by vibration. There were many laboratory inside CeNTech, with combination of different disciplines, physics, chemistry and biology. I guess one day students in university will not have any specification in physics, chemistry of biology, just like long time ago. Along the corridor, there were many posters that display the results of the current research held in CeNTech, not suprising, every university or research institute would have done this.

Beyond this line means vibration free.

Dr. Wolfgang Buscher on the right.

An old Chinese saying, take a rest to walk further. After the visit to CeNTech, we had a short trip around the city, and we did some shopping (Euro is a big currency to us, unfortunately.) When you walked in the street of Europe, you would notice that some ground was covered with bricks, not tar. This is something that is very different from Malaysia, besides the shops closed very early (around 6 to 7 pm). The view around Münster was spectacular, I guess this is due to the fact that Europe places are old and rich in history, and the people there preserved it well.

Around Münster.

 The church behind me is huge!

