
2008-07-10 (Lindau Post Visit Day 6)

We were back to Switzerland again! When I started to get used to this travelling, it had been the last stop of our visit. Our last stop was the Department of Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; it was another renowned institute of technology in the world. The direction was rather confusing and it took us some time to find the people we suppose to meet with. We had free lunch again, it was not the normal canteen the students normally used, but was a rather classy restaurants. Thank you ETH Zurich! We had some chat about Lindau Meeting, Zurich and also Sprüngli!

ETH Zurich!

According to the schedule, we would visit five laboratories. The first being Prof. Batlogg’s laboratory. I was very glad that I met face-to-face with Prof. Batlogg because he gave me a very inspiring encounter experience. Let me elaborate further: maybe due to the fact I am the youngest among the delegation, Prof. Batlogg keep asking me fundamental questions about his research when he was showing us his laboratory. I was stupid for not able to answer his simple yet fundamental questions. He also shown us his log book, told us the importance of a log book and the format he used to write the log book. I still remembered his expression when he shown us his experimental results, his excitement about acquiring the beautiful results was genuine and he reminded me that passion is the most important thing in a scientific career.

 Prof Batlogg on the left.

The second laboratory we visited was for the nanophysics group. Next, we switched to quantum optics group. Prof. Esslinger gave us some background on what is he doing. The fourth one was the ultra fast lasers group, lead by Prof. Keller. Her research fellows, including Dr. Südmeyer, shown us the experimental setup for the laser system and I can tell you it was very complicated and large. The last one was quantum optoelectronics group, lead by Prof. Faist. Dr. Giacomo told us the lab had just being shifted to the new location and also introduced us with quantum cascade laser. As we were guided by someone from each laboratory, the thought that came to my mind was: they are doing such advanced research, it is exploring the areas none have ventured before, and where am I still? Malaysia really needs to catch up.

Prof. Esslinger in action.

Err, wires?

For the love of physics.

Dr. Giacomo.

After the visit, it was another town trip. Sprüngli is the Swiss chocolate shop introduced by Prof. Blatter earlier during the lunch; it also features some kind of tiny desserts. I did not buy it though as it was very expensive. Zurich has one of the best views among the cities I visited in Europe. I did take a lot of photos and really like the scenery. Ironically, my dinner was MacDonald’s again, I ended my trip in Lindau with McD and also ended my trip for the post meeting visit with McD again.


This is Zurich.

McD again.

