
2008-07-01 (Lindau Day 3)

 Another Germany morning.

Today we had three Chemistry Nobel Laureates (1988) presented instead of the Physics one, and in the late morning we had the panel discussion instead of another series of lectures. Besides that, nothing much had change for me, boarded the bus at 8.30am, alighted at 8.44am, then sat in the hall waiting for the session to start.

Maybe it was my illusion, but somehow there were less people in the hall, maybe they were not interested in chemistry. It was rather hard for me to understand what the three Chemistry Nobel Laureates said in their lectures, especially their topics were biochemistry related, and it means you need some biology background as well. Off to coffee break.

Climate change here, climate change there. In short, I was not really interested in this topic nor any discussion. What can be achieved by discussing climate change? But I did know it was fun that different opinions aroused and they fought for their stands in a relatively 'soft' manner. Seven Nobel Laureates and one Director of the Institute for Climate Impact Research discussed “Climate Changes and Energy Challenges”.
Panel discussion, guess the topic please.

After the tiring panel discussion and lunch break that followed immediately after, I decided to have a relaxing walk within the island since it would be 3pm for the next session to start. I really enjoyed the weather in Lindau at that time, just the cool I wanted. I went into the train station, bypassed the City Hall, and had my first Germany ice cream! The ice cream was not like the cheap ice cream in Malaysia, it was rich in taste and even the cone was different. I love it.

Do you understand which way to go?

The train station in Isle of Lindau.

Please pay before you pee.

Manga everywhere.

Yummy! 80 Euro cents yoghurt ice cream!

This scientific discussion was special as Prof. Dr. Robert C. Richardson was there (he did not give any lecture). Why? He was still not fully recovered from a recent stroke. I believed that due to this reason, his wife was there to help him answered some questions. It was interesting to hear his wife’s elaborated stories on the telephone notification of the Nobel Prize and also the Nobel Prize award ceremony. (Sorry, I could not recall the details.)

Prof. Dr. Robert C. Richardson and his wife.

I later switched to the next room. Two Nobel Laureates shared a same space with only one partition separating them. It was very clever that the committee used a microphone-headphone system that allowed the discussion to continue without disturbing the others. Basically, anything that spoke to the microphone would be heard loud and clear if you were wearing the headphone provided. You also had the option to switch channels and listen to what another side was discussing. The discussion was somehow confusing because they mentioned the terms I am unfamiliar with: DNA, proteins, etc.

After the discussions, I decided to walk out from the island. I found a 3D map of the Isle of Lindau. It was nicely crafted but I suspect it was an old version of Lindau Island, it was a historical monument rather than a map, yet I could not verify anything because I do not understand German. Later the night, we had an ice cream and drinking session with the Singaporean and Malaysian we met earlier, together with some Germany and UK participants.
(Thought: Is it just me or ...? I found two Malaysian girls who really love ice cream, a lot.)


The Roundabout of Great Faces.


